Aschbroeken Man
Emmen, Drenthe Province
Aschbroeken Man was found in the Bourtange swamp in 1931. His body was dated to 900 BCE. His skull was lost soon after the discovery. He had a broken right arm that had never healed properly. He was probably sacrificed because of his physical deformity.
Emmer-Erfscheidenveen Man
Emmer-Erfscheidenveen, Drenthe Province
There was very little of Emmer-Erfscheidenveen Man’s body left when it was discovered in 1938. There was a lot of clothing though, a wool cap, a shoe, a cape and underwear. It is not known how he died. His body was dated to having come from 1200 BCE.
Exloermond Man
Drenthe Province
Exloermond Man was found in 1914, naked with no clothing under peat. Because his front half was not very well preserved, it was hard to tell if he was a male or female. But they later found beard stubbles, and knew he was a man. He would have lived between 365 - 150 BCE.
Weerdinge Men
Weerdingerveen, Drenthe Province
The two bodies were found together in 1904 and it was originally thought that they were a man and a woman, but later realized that it was two men. One body had a big cut in the stomach, and it’s intestines were out of the body. They may have been father and son and lived between 160 BCE - 220 CE.
Other Archaeological Sites in the Netherlands

Aschbroeken Man
Emmer-Erfscheidenveen Man
Exloermond Man
Weerdinge Men